MalwareTech Beginner Malware Reversing Challenges Strings3 Writeup



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This is a write-up of “Strings3”.

strings3.exe contains an un-encrypted flag stored within the executable. When run, the program will output an MD5 hash of the flag but not the original. Can you extract the flag?


1. Opening with IDA and Resource Hacker

Let’s open the strings3.exe with IDA and search for the flag. According to the strings windows, it looks like we don’t have any encrypted flag. placeholder Then, what we can guess is that this executable is loading the flag from somewhere else.
We can use “Resource Hacker” to figure out “Hidden” resources on IDA. placeholder As we can see, there are too many “Possible flags” and we still have to figure out which is the correct password.

2. Identify the correct flag

To identify the correct flag, we can take advantage of these functions. placeholder According to the official document of “LoadStringA” function, it takes 4 arguments.

int LoadStringA(
  HINSTANCE hInstance, // A handle to an instance of the module whose executable file contains the string resource.
  UINT      uID, // The identifier of the string to be loaded.
  LPSTR     lpBuffer, // The buffer to receive the string or a read-only pointer to the string resource itself.
  int       cchBufferMax // The size of the buffer, in characters.

This means, in strings3.exe, LoadStringA is called like this

int LoadStringA(0, edx, ecx, 0x3FF)

Sounds like we have to figure out what’s the value of edx.
To figure out this, we have to focus on following instructions. placeholder Let’s see valus of eax and edx. placeholder We can figure out the value of each register by python interpreter.

root@kali:~# python
Python 2.7.15+ (default, Feb  3 2019, 13:13:16) 
[GCC 8.2.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 1 << 8 # shl edx, 8
>>> 1 << 4 # shl eax, 4
>>> 256 | 16 # or eax, edx

According to this, after the “or eax, edx” instruction, the value of eax is 272.
This value is stored in [ebp+var_4]. Then it is moved to edx. placeholder So the value of edx which is argument of LoadStringA is “272”. if we look at num 272 of string table, we can find the correct flag. placeholder