MalwareTech Beginner Malware Reversing Challenges Strings2 Writeup
12 Feb 2019Environment
- Host OS: Kali linux 2018.4
- Guest OS: Windows 7 Home Basic
- Virtualization: Virtualbox 5.2.22
- Debugger: IDA Pro 7.0
We have several malware reversing challenges this page on MalwareTech
This is a write-up of “Strings2”.
1. Opening with IDA
When we open the strings2.exe with IDA, we can get following lots of variables. Then, bunch of mov instructions are following. Because there is “h” trailing, we can figure out these are hex numbers.
2. Translate hex to ascii
We can write a python script which translates there hex codes to ascii characters.
Let’s execute the python script.
We can grab the flag for this challenge.