Easy Crackme Writeup


Explanation is a website which has some of reverse engineering challenges. This is a write-up of Easy Crackme on that website.


1. Running the app

When we run the app, we have a small dialogue and textbox. As we put a rundom string and put the button, we have a message “Incorrect Password”. placeholder This is likely we have to identify what is the “Password” by reverse engineering.

2. Opening with IDA Pro

To analyze this application, we can open the app with IDA Pro. Since we can see this application retrieves the input data in the textarea, we can assume that “GetDlgItemText” Windows API is used. We can find it in a subprocess”sub_401080”. placeholder

3. Getting password

According to the manual of GetDlgItemText, we can find where is the memory location the input data was stored.

UINT GetDlgItemTextA(
  HWND  hDlg,	    // A handle to the dialog box that contains the control
  int   nIDDlgItem, // The identifier of the control whose title or text is to be retired
  LPSTR lpString,   // The buffer to receive the title or text
  int   cchMax      // The maximum length, in characters, of the string to be copied to the buffer pointed to by lpString. If the length of the string, including the null character, exceeds the limit, the string is truncated.

In this case, the value of lpString is esp+0x08

String= byte ptr -64h
lea eax, [esp+6Ch+String] # lea eax, [esp+0x08]
push eax; lpString

placeholder After calling the GetDlgItemTextA, we can express the address is esp+0x04 since each argument of GetDlgItemTextA is 1 byte. We can find 1st cmp instruction in the next line.

cmp byte ptr [esp+0x05], 61h

The address of input chars is esp+0x04 so this is comparing 2nd character of password and Ascii Character “a”. Under the 1st comparison, we can find 2nd one. placeholder At first, there is a instruction

push 2

This time, the address of input chars changes to esp+0x08.

lea ecx, [esp+0x0Ah]
push offset a5y; "5y"
push ecx;
call strncmp

This means, this strncmp is comparing “5y” and 3rd, 4th chars of input. Next, we can see this section. placeholder

push ebx
push esi

After these 2 of push instruction, the address of input chars changes to exp+0x0C.

lea eax, [esp+70h+var_60] # lea eax, [esp+0x10]

In eax, there is an address of 5th chars of input. placeholder Then, comparing [eax] and [esi] with dl and bl. After that, there 2 pop instructions placeholder Then, address of input chars goes to [esp+0x04]. Finally we can see there instructions. placeholder

cmp [esp+68h+String],45h # cmp [esp+4], 45h

We can figure out 1st character of the input should be Ascii Character “E”. According to these information, we can figure out the password is
