Setting up Burpsuite for HTTPS on Kali linux 2019.01



How to install a Burp SSL certification to chrome.
I have done this more than 5 times but still I forget so took this memo.


1. SSL Error

Without any settings, if we use Burp with https, browser shows this certification error. placeholder

2. Download SSL cert

By accessing the Burp page on localhost, we can download the certificate “cacert.der”.
We have to click on the button “CA Certificate”. placeholder

3. Register the cert on google chrome

Go to settings and click “Advanced”. There is a menu “Manage certificates”. placeholder

Click “Authorities”, then “Import”.
After selected “cacert.der” downloaded, it shows some options. placeholder

Only choosing the first one “Trust this certificate for identifying websites” is enough.

4. Restart

Then, restart the chrome and it would be fine.

5. If still had a same error?

In this case, we can confirm the validity of certification on “Manage certificates”.
Click on “org-PortSwigger” and that certificate would be “untrusted”. placeholder

We can edit the certificate, or delete and install it again.